Novel Cord Blood Stem Cell Treatment Leads to HIV Remission
Cord blood stem cell transplant shows promise for long-term HIV remission, offering hope for a potential cure. Could this breakthrough change the future of HIV treatment?

Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Show Promise for Bell’s Palsy Treatment
A case of recovery after seven years of facial paralysis

Stem Cell Transplantation Shows Potential in Stroke Recovery
A medical case study demonstrates the potential of stem cell therapy to treat acute ischemic stroke, offering new hope for patients facing long-term disability

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Psoriasis: A New Treatment Approach
A 47-year-old man with 25 years of psoriasis finds relief through an new treatment using umbilical cord stem cells.

Stem cells to beta cells: Treating type 1 diabetes with converted stem cells
Researchers convert human stem cells into insulin-producing beta cells using small molecules

Clinical trial using umbilical cord stem cells for treating severe COVID-19 shows promising results
Successful clinical trial calls for additional larger trials to examine the use of mesenchymal stems cells to improve survival rates and recovery time

Commemorating World Cord Blood Day: Why you should consider saving your baby’s cord blood
Today, cord blood transplants are used to treat more than 80 different diseases.

Scientists look at therapies using newborn stem cells to treat COVID-19
Here we outline clinical trials exploring stem cells, emphasizing those looking at utilizing perinatal stem cells derived from cord blood, the umbilical cord, and other placental tissue.

FDA approves clinical trial exploring the use of umbilical cord stem cells to treat severe cases of COVID-19
In the wake of the pandemic, the FDA approves multiple clinical trials exploring stem cells as a treatment option for COVID-19.

Clinical trials: What are they and why do we need them?
This article will introduce you to clinical trial basics and discuss how clinical trials can identify new therapies involving stem cells.

Stem Cell Treatment Shows Promise in Reducing Biological Age and Improving Cognition
How umbilical cord stem cells could help reverse aging and boost brain health.

Top 10 items to include in your baby registry
Discover the top 10 must-have items to include in your baby registry, from essentials to helpful gadgets

The hospital bag checklist
Prepare for delivery with this comprehensive hospital bag checklist, covering essentials for mom, baby, and the birthing partner

Sibling cord blood tested for treating cerebral palsy in young children
Small clinical trial looks at the safety of using sibling umbilical cord stem cells to treat children with cerebral palsy

Stem cell banking: how your baby’s stem cells are collected and stored
A quick guide to how your baby’s cord blood and cord tissue stem cells are processed and stored, so they are ready and available for use anytime.

Why should you consider banking cord blood?
Here are the top 3 reasons behind why you should consider preserving your baby’s newborn stem cells.