Novel Cord Blood Stem Cell Treatment Leads to HIV Remission
Cord blood stem cell transplant shows promise for long-term HIV remission, offering hope for a potential cure. Could this breakthrough change the future of HIV treatment?

Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Show Promise for Bell’s Palsy Treatment
A case of recovery after seven years of facial paralysis

Stem Cell Transplantation Shows Potential in Stroke Recovery
A medical case study demonstrates the potential of stem cell therapy to treat acute ischemic stroke, offering new hope for patients facing long-term disability

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Psoriasis: A New Treatment Approach
A 47-year-old man with 25 years of psoriasis finds relief through an new treatment using umbilical cord stem cells.
Stem cells could provide an effective treatment for type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is a form of diabetes in which a person’s pancreas is no longer able to produce enough insulin.
Stem cells may provide a long-term treatment for Parkinson’s disease
A pre-clinical study from Harvard Medical School demonstrates that patients’ own stem cells may one day be used to effectively treat Parkinson’s disease (PD).

Stem cells regenerate lung tissue after viral damage
The H1N1 influenza virus was responsible for the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918 and the “swine flu” pandemic of 2009.
Transplantation of patients’ own stem cells may stop progression of multiple sclerosis
Results after three years of an ongoing clinical trial suggest that transplantation of a patient’s own blood-forming stem cells, following suppression of the immune system, may induce sustained remission of the most common form of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Demystifying Cord Blood Banking: A guide to separating facts from fiction
We’ve put together a simple guide that will help you navigate through some of the most common questions regarding the decision to preserve cord blood stem cells.

A new way to treat eye injuries – Softening the tissues around stem cells
Approximately 80% of these cases are considered avoidable. Scientists may have uncovered a ground-breaking, new method for tackling just such cases.

Stem cells improve the outcome of ACL reconstruction surgery
The researchers showed that bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and decellularized free tendon allografts were effective for improving ACL reconstruction results.
Cornea made of ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells
Japanese scientists perform the first-ever transplant using reprogrammed stem cells to treat corneal damage.

Discarded tonsil tissue offer new hope for treating liver disease
Scientists look at the possibility of growing tonsil-derived mesenchymal stem cells on a 3D gel matrix that may one day be injected to regenerate liver tissue.
Stem cell treatment may prevent vision loss due to age-related macular degeneration
A study published online in the journal Stem Cells shows that a single injection of stem cells can greatly slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Clinical trial looks at treating ASD using umbilical stem cells
Researchers show that injecting umbilical mesenchymal stem cells to children with ASD is safe and generally well tolerated.

Can stem cell transplants be the way of the future for tackling HIV?
A second reported case of a patient being cured of HIV following a stem cell transplant.